Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hi, Me llamo Ingenio

I am amazed that this story is new. I thought this had happened at least 10 years ago and I'm shocked to discover that the first bilingual educational toy brand was just released in the U.S. Coming years after Dora the Explorer blew up and became the face of bilingual brands in America, Ingenio is creating an educational brand whose mission is to teach children from ages 3-8 how to speak English and Spanish. Considering the fact that 22% of children in America are Latino, this is such an obvious idea. My parents sent me to one Kindergarten school over another for the specific reason that it taught Spanish. Surely, we couldn't have been the only ones with this thinking. Ingenio announced that their line will feature electronic learning toys, puzzles, and educational games. It is particularly important that children pick up languages at a young age because they learn and remember the information more easily. To add to their announcement, Ingenio said that 8 of the 10 products they have will be under $15, so it will make a great gift for a child during these tough economic times. Ingenio should go ahead and start developing products to teach other languages as well before someone else makes billions off of it.

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