Wednesday, October 28, 2009

And the Oscar for Best Picture Goes to...

As animated films are becoming more and more technically and creatively involved, animated movies are getting greater respect in the film industry. The Academy Awards already have a category for Best Animated Feature, but is it enough? With innovative new films like Astro Boy, Coraline, 9, Ponyo, and A Christmas Carol, the category seems to be too small! I recently read that animated films can be considered in the Best Picture category if the major characters are present in at least 75% of the total running time. So that means, if scrooge (Jim Carey) is in the film for 3/4 of the movie, the film could win the Oscar! Unfortunately, as I have been told, the award business in Hollywood involves a lot of politics and BS, so it might never happen, but we can hope, can't we?

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