Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gods in Children's Cartoons

Could you imagine turning on Disney and finding a cartoon of Jesus Christ as a 9-year-old boy? He's skateboarding, going to school, hanging with his buddies and helping to fight off demons and evil just like a superhero. To many, this would be considered sacrilege, but in India, it's a hit. A recent article explained that Krishna, Ganesha, and Hanuman are a few of the characters that are outranking Popeye and Tom and Jerry in cartoons in India. Perhaps this popularity is comparable to Greek mythology and its presentation to children in films such as Disney's Hercules. We do have a cartoon that airs on basic cable that caters to Christians, but no character is supposed to be Jesus. Veggietales uses fun, cartoon vegetables to tell stories from the bible, but what's going on in India is different. The popularity of these cartoons is significant because young Indian children are being exposed to their own country's culture in their entertainment as opposed to getting imports like Popeye that reflect American sensibilities. The article mentions that from a financial standpoint, these cartoons are great for the market because the brands are already familiar. As opposed to the creation of a character like Spongebob, people must see him and understand his values and personality so that he becomes a lovable brand. When they use religious symbols to create a brand, they can't go wrong! Of course they love little Krishna for their kids. This is a very strong idea for India, but I question whether a move like this would be accepted in the Christian/American world.

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